Agency Services Program

As an ASP broker, you are the pilot of your business and we are your flight crew

As a Cornerstone broker, you have access to expert services from our Agency Services Program (ASP) that can help you with business outside of your scope and planning for the future. We will create a customized plan for you based on your specific needs to ensure that you, your business, and your family are covered.

Below are the services that are offered in the program. To sign up for the program, fill out the form below.

  • Autopilot Client Referral Program

    This compensation-based referral program offers the services of licensed representatives to quote, enroll, and provide year-round service to individual, Medicare, and employee benefits clients that may fall out of your business scope, but never off your radar!

  • Parachute Succession Planning Program

    What would happen if you were unable to service your clients due to death or disability? Do you have a plan in place? As a valued Cornerstone broker, you don’t have to leave your legacy to chance. Cornerstone’s succession planning program helps you arrange a strategy in the event of your unexpected death or disability.

  • Flight Plan Retirement Preparation

    Prepare your flight plan to help you transition into retirement with a client care plan. Our talented representatives are multi-state licensed and ready to assist clients with policy and product guidance, quoting, and enrollment along with year-round customer service.

Fill out the form below to become a part of the Agency Services Program or contact us for more information!

Become a Part of the Agency Services Program